Monday, 25 August 2014

Kristie comes to town !

Kiaora my bro's, how's everyone on this fine day? Swell I hope! 
It's been a glorious week! Why? Well because of my new Nikes of course, they are just Stella!! 
Ahhhh, don't you just want to drool over them beautiful things! 

I've had a fun but busy week sorting out the kids rooms before school starts and having their friends over to play and taking one of my kids to soccer tryouts, which she got into the team woop woop, I'm so proud of her! 
(I taught her everything..)
I made a movie with Michella (11yr old) and her friend and also Jules (15yr old) joined in. Now it started off awesome, then Jules and I just got a little bit carried away, getting all hypo and doing cartwheels and saying random stuff. Apparently we ruined the movie, but I just can't help it when the diva comes out in me, I mean I like saying random stuff, is that so wrong?!

Friday came around and Kristie was coming to stay for the weekend (boomtown)! That night another New  Zealander from Christchurch came round and we went out to dinner, we had sushi (best sushi ever!!). 
Then we went back to mine, watched movies and I dyed Kristie's hair which didn't come out at all (gutts). 

Saturday we went into the city and walked to the Met museum, which is like 50 billion streets uptown. OMG My feet nearly died! We got there and we didn't even go because it was expensive and we didn't want to just look at paintings. So we then decided to hop on the subway to Brooklyn and go to a museum there. By this time I'm quite tired and would like to chop my feet off because they are so sore, but that wouldn't be good because I would have Stubbs and I wouldn't beable to paint my toes cause I wouldn't have toes (first world problems). 
We got food first at good old Wendy's (better than McDonald's). And yes we were the only white people as Kristie pointed out (not a racist comment just an observation people). 
We got to the museum and it was a suggested $12 to get in but because we are Aupairs we decided to pay $5 (some may say we are stingy but nope we are just poor). 
I'm not much of a museum person but here some crazy photos.
That's Kristie in the background photo bombing and that's our new friend.
Little people yay!
I was just confused about this guy, I mean where was he going? 
I thought this one looked like my brother.
Umm a mummy..

Sunday we went to Church oh it was soo good I love Church so much that we went twice, boom!  

This is a random photo of us in front of a Library.

We also decided to get our eyebrows threaded and then I was walking round the city with bright red eyebrows so had to go to Macys and put makeup on because I looked hileriously awesome! 

I said goodbye to Kristie and then travelled back home. 
Great weekend! 


Krystal xo

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Nashville BABY Nashville

Monday morning I got on a plane and headed to Nashville Tennessee baby woohoo!! 
The plane ride was great. NO turbulence at all (hallelujah! Praise Jesus!). I landed and picked up my bag from the bag area (yep that thing that as a little child you always wished you could ride on.. One day people, one day it will happen). 
I got picked up by my parents friend that I was staying with for the week. She has 2 kids, a 9 year old girl and a 2 year old boy and they are just seriously awesome!! They live in Franklyn where famous people live like Leonardo Dicaprio, Oprah, Nicole Kidman etc. I had so much fun hanging out with them going for walks in the morning with the mum, going to the mall, watching movies and playing games. 

One day we travelled out to the Amish area which was like 1 hour drive. it was so interesting! They don't have electricity, they eat from the land, they get the kids working pretty much as soon as they can walk, it's insane. They are pretty much living in poverty, which is sad, but they choose to live like that. 
Anyway so they sell things to people that come in. It's very random but I bought a yo-yo (lol). It's handmade by the Amish so I thought I'd take it as a souvenir (although I may have lost it.. hmmm). It's insane, they travel in horse and carriage everywhere. I always wished that I lived in a world where people rode horses everywhere instead of driving cars, hmm maybe I should become Amish? Haha don't be silly, I would die!! 
I had to take sneaky photos because they don't like it, but this is how they live.

I also met another nanny that lived next door. She took me to Church with her and it really reminded me of home. There were so many young people and the worship was so good !!
The pastors were Australian and I had recognized them, so I texted my Dad and asked if He knew Henry and Alex seale (I have no idea if that's how you spell their last name, but oh well), of course Dad knew them. They used to work at Planetshakers church (CRAZY, such a small world!). After church I said hello to them and mentioned my Dad and other people and He was like 'noway that's insane, yeah I know them'. Who would of thought you would meet someone IN Nashville that knows people that you know (cray cray!).
Then me and some people went and got ice cream. Then they took me to this sign that is apparently famous which says 'I believe in Nashville'.  

I fell in love with the family I was staying with, they were so welcoming and really made me feel apart of the family. I was sad to leave them but I know that I will definitely be back in Nashville again!! 

Peace out yo and love life!


Krystal xo

Monday, 4 August 2014

Phone went traveling!

Hello hello don't worry I am alive! My phone just decided to stay in Boston for a few weeks so I have not been able to blog that's okay though because I have a great story! 

It started a few weeks ago where I decided to go to Boston for the weekend to hangout with my friend Kristie, who had been in the country for about a week doing the same thing as I do (not herding sheep, guys.. Nannying). So I hopped on the train from Rhode Island and travelled to Boston where I would stop at a train station and Kristie would pick me up. It was about 12am, I got off the train and was waiting for my friend to come get me. Because it was midnight, the station was very empty, everything was closed and I was just sitting with my cheetah print suitcase looking all homeless and stuff (good times!). Then I got a call from Kristie asking where I am, I'm like 'I'm sitting by the entrance, are you here?' She goes 'yea I'm here but your not'. Now this is when I realize 'OH SNAP' I got off at the WRONG train station and it's NOW 1am in the morning and I'm in BOSTON!!!! So I had to catch a cab to Kristies house which was 40mins away and costed a heck of a lot of money, cray cray!! 
Finally got there about 2am in the morning, so tired. 

On Saturday Kristie and I went into the city, did some shopping and had brunch. We both ordered French toast. Now this was not French Toast it was more like a donut! It reminded me of when you go to the Fish & Chip store and order a deep fried Moro bar.. Yep that's exactly what it was. So good but so bad!! 
(Random statue, probably important).

We were walking down the street and found these people who were busking and jumping over people so we watched that for a bit until they wanted money so we ran (well not ran, we walked away.. fast). 
When we got back to her house we had some food, talked about life and twerked... Yep! 

On Sunday we headed to the mall for more shopping because you can never do to much (holla!). We spent most of our time in Mac trying on dark lipstick (such fun)! 
For lunch we headed to the rainforest restaurant. You walk in and there's monkeys, elephants, birds, massive fish tanks and it looks exactly like a rainforest. We were probably the only Adults without children there but who cares we loved it!!!

After all the shopping we caught a cab, went to Church then met up with another New Zealander and had dinner. 
The violinist was awesome!! 

Monday morning it was time to leave, so Kristie dropped me off at the train station, we said goodbye and I was looking in my bags for my phone to get my train ticket out, I couldn't see my phone so I checked again, still no phone! That is when I started freaking out! I couldn't contact Kristie to tell her, I couldn't contact anyone. It was one of those horrible sweaty moments (yum). 
I went up to the ticket people nearly in tears and asked if they can print my ticket out. I then told them that I left my phone in Boston and that my  phone is literally my life ( oh gosh that's sad.. they must have thought I was crazy). No but seriously it is my only way of communicating with my family and friends back home and I didn't know any of my host families numbers of by heart so they wouldn't know when to pick me up. So if you were in this situation yeah you would be freaking out to! 

When I hopped on the train I asked the train conductor if there were computers on the train I was so desperate to try and contact my friend. Of course there are no computers on the train (so silly)!

I got to Rhode Island and decided that I would walk to the Library because they have computers and hopefully my host family will be there also. I walked in, looked around no computers free and no family so I then went to the second floor and right there was one of my kids I was so happy I yelled 'Michella! I'm so happy y'all are here' (forgetting I'm in a library, got told off for talking to loud, woops). I got onto Facebook and saw that Kristie had messaged me about my phone. I gave her the post office address so she could send it up to Me. Friday came around so I rang the post office to ask if my package had arrived and no it hadn't. Then it was Saturday and so I rang again and still it hadn't showed. I thought that was weird so I decided to go down to the post office and ask. And OMG they decided that they would send it all the way back to Boston because apparently it didn't have the right address (oh it did)! Now I'm even more frustrated! My phone didn't arrive in Boston until Wednesday so I told my friend just to send it to New York because I was going back for the weekend. So 2 weeks later and I finally get my phone back! Oh yess it felt like Christmas except nothing had changed with my phone, I mean it was still a 4s, it would of been nice if someone slipped in a 5s that really would have been the cherry on top!

Anyway that was a long story. My life just gets more interesting! Now I'm headed to Nashville so let's hope I don't leave anything behind. I hope to ride a horse and get famous in a week.
 So talk to you homies later, have a great life! 

Krystal xo