Good evening beautiful people!
Last weekend was amazing! Let me tell you, last Saturday was a beautiful hot day, well not to hot, it was just perfect. We had Church in Central Park which was a first in the history of Hillsong and it was a beast! So many people came out, I met a load of people it was just a crazy good time! Also Hillsong United were here so they were just pumping, that touch the sky song just gets me everytime!
The next day was Mothers Day and since my friends and I don't have mothers here we decide to go upstate for a hike (hike in America means a 1-5 hour walk, hike in NZ means a 2-4 day walk). So yes we went for a walk up a very steep hill and it was 30 degrees Celsius and we were all just dripping with sweat, it was disgusting but kinda nice! We got to the top and it was beautiful!
We had lunch in the little village where they had live music it was really cute, these old men playing and singing they were actually quite good!
Now the Saturday just been was a lot of fun! My friends and I went on a boat cruise with all these Au Pairs, where we danced the night away and it rained, so everyone crowded inside and it was so squished but we still had an awesome time!
Monday, 18 May 2015
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Let's go get away! 🚂
'Chang Chang getting paid over here' Some Missy Elliot to start of this beautiful blog. I use to want to be Missy Elliot, riding a horse with Gangsta clothes on (one of her album covers.. Awkward if you never got that album because what I'm saying would be very random to you right now). And your probably going to look that album up after this (DO IT!). I honestly just want to talk about Missy Elliot this whole blog, but but butty but but, just no.
For the weekend peepz, I travelled to a faraway land on a train to.. Connecticut (actually only 2 hours, not far at all). We were going to stay with a friend to celebrate her birthday (we are the best). On Saturday we headed out to Mystic (a place in Connecticut), where we had lunch at the famous Mystic Pizza (A Julia Roberts movie, just brilliant!). 

We walked around the cute little town, had some ice cream, waited for a very long time to watch a bridge to come up, but then realized that it was not going to open because there were no boats (sometimes my friends and I are just silly). So we decided to do a mini photo shoot of us all 

This last photo someone actually offered to take our picture, and then after, we proceeded to take self timer photos because it was way funner!
We then headed back to my friends house and went to the store to get food. We paid and walked out of the store. Then I realized I was holding an apple, which I obviously did not pay for (who forgets they have an apple in their hand when walking out of a store?!!! Come on krystal, get with it!!) Anyway after a lot of laughing and nearly wetting myself we headed back to the house.
That night we celebrated my friends birthday by going to a Kareoke bar! It was hilarious! Except the people that actually sung could really sing like amazing! Then Me and my girl Nikki got up there and rapped Super Bass by Nicki Minaj, and I'm telling you we killed it, like we were the bomb diggity, the best out of the whole night and then we got told you couldn't really hear us 😳, what?! I poured my heart out in that song and you couldn't hear us?!! Ridiculous I tell you!
Enough ranting or whatever you call it.
The next day it was HOT, HOT, HOT! So we went to a beach, it was beautiful! 

Also I do want to point out this..
Now we didn't have any plastic cups to take to the beach so I made some out of water bottles (so smart), that is how you do it in New Zealand people!
It was a great weekend! Can't wait to go up again soon.
This week has been a very interesting week. I got my first spider bite today, I pulled a tendon in my arm (literally can't lift anything with it) and my knee decided to start playing up. So it's been fun!
Well I'm gonna get back to dreaming about being on a horse with gangsta clothes on.
Peace out peepz!
Krystal xo
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