Thursday, 22 May 2014

Dance Parade NYC

So last Saturday me and my friend Eva went to a dance parade in the city it was so awesome!! There were many different dance styles like Armenian dancing, tango, Hip Hop, Mexican, one where girls just walked and wave (don't think that's a dance style but.. sure) and many many more. 
As we were walking along the parade we decided that we wanted to get in on this parade. So we sneakily just stepped off the path and into this house dance group.
It was hilarious, no one said anything and we just fitted right in, dancing away, people taking our photo until the group we were with started doing Salsa (awkward) but we kept on dancing with them! 

The Dance parade ended at a park all the way Down in avenue A which is a really long walk from Grand Central, so by now my feet are starting to hurt. When the parade ended the Dance Festival started which was awesome! There were different stages, a performance stage, a learning stage and a stage where people were hanging from things (can't remember the name, it was circusy anyway). We mostly stayed by the learning stage so we could learn some sweet dance moves and of course I learnt some sweet hippie moves (so good). On the other side of the park was just a big dance party so we went there for a bit but it was so hot I had to go sit down and plus it smelt really bad of B.O (yuck). 
The whole dance thing started at 1pm and ended at 7pm so I was exhausted, but was a great time and a great experience (There are some interesting people)! 
Best bit was my friend and I got interviewed by Japanese t.v so look out for us when you watch the Japanese t.v (lol). 

Here are more photos of the parade (the photos that look professional, I may have taken them from the parades Instagram, so no hate.) 

Okay yea I didn't take any of these photos, but check more out on Instagram #bethemomentum. 
Although I did take this one.. Yep! 

That was my Saturday adventure, I'm going to Canada tomorrow I'm so excited! 


Krystal xo

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