Thursday, 11 September 2014

To explicit (not really)

Good evening beautiful people! It is the first week with the kids back at school and the weather has all of a sudden gotten a little bit colder, which, it's quite nice not being sweaty all the time (gross!).
So I've been a free woman this week (some may say woman, others may say 12yr old girl stuck in a 20yr olds body). I've being able to get back into the gym AND I also started school! 
I'm doing a Principles of Management class, It's quite exciting being back at school using my brain again. Although my first class was today and all we talked about was Ray Rice (football player who hit his wife. Violence is not okay people!) and also what we are learning. For example how to manage our boyfriends or girlfriends, literally the teachers words (she's quite hilarious!) 
I have even got a student I.d which I was very excited about because I can get STUDENT DISCOUNTS woop woop (Student fries come at me)! 
#collegestudent #hellocollegeboys #jokingmum

Anywho let me tell ya about my weekend! 
Saturday was a scorcher (as in hot)! My friend and I went to the Central Park Zoo. Yes TWO zoos in TWO weekends (going animal crazy lol). This Zoo is much smaller than the Bronx Zoo but still was fun! 
Wow.. okay just realized this is the only photo I took at the Zoo and it's not a good one (that is a birds bum..sorry to explicit). 
Well let's move on. We then went to sit in Bryant park and chilled.. Then all of a sudden we could feel drops of rain, so my friend gets her umbrella out and I pull my chair to sit next to her so I can be under the umbrella. Next thing it starts bucketing down like crazy and everyone runs for shelter and my friend and I are just sitting their under this umbrella laughing!! 
Those faces though hahaha!!

The rain stopped after 5mins of it being cray cray. So in case it was gonna rain again we headed for the public library. I've been here 7months and have not gone in it yet (terridible). 
Now I was thinking that there were gonna be many books like a normal library, but let me tell ya, we walk in and there were no books to be seen. It was all just a lot of rooms with desks that you go in and study or sit and watch people (creepy) well at least that's what I did (jokes). It is a very cool library though so many rooms to explore! 
Does anyone remember the movie - The Day After Tomorrow? Well this is the library it was filmed in and this is the exact window that you see the water rushing down the street. Way cool!! 
Beautiful painting on the ceilings
 (Rated R, don't let your kids look up). 
So this is a study room where it is so so quiet no one is talking and then I decide to walk in and take a photo of this awkward room. I really wanted to break the silence but I held myself back, I just wanted to drop something that would make a really loud noise (that is not okay krystal). 
After, we went into the kids section and omg they had all the old school children's books that I used to read when I was a young sheep.
 I had a blast.. 

Sunday, ohh I was excited because I was volunteering at Church!! I met some cool people and someone asked me if I have to take the A train to get to Australia (he was joking thank goodness). I'm so thankful that I decided to volunteer because that really is how you meet people and make friends (love life). 

Last thing I got to tell ya is that I have joined the Hillsong Dance team, pretty cool (although they hardly do performances) but it will be fun to be a part of another team at church. 


Krystal xo

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