I went to Brooklyn with my long lost sister (people actually think we are sisters) and we also take the best selfies together check it.. 

Boom.. There it is!
All though on this day we were actually having a bad selfie day. We had to redo many photos, but normally we take one and it is absolutely perfect, no need to redo it! Do you know what I mean? Like you have that one friend, and you take selfies with her, and the first take is actually perfect like it could be your Facebook profile pic, that is how perfect it is.
We chilled at the Brooklyn bridge park, it is so beautiful! We just sat at the pier looking at manhattan and all the boats going past and playing games like, first one to spot things like, the 9/11 building, people wearing nikes, mustaches, dogs etc sounds lame but it was actually fun and quite hilarious! We then walked abit to get a good pano of Manhattan. I failed at that one. I just have no patience to go slow and try and keep the arrow on the line, it's redonkulous I tell you! I would show you my pano but it's just embarrassing. I mean to be honest it's only half a pano, probably not even half!
Anywho we were getting abit hungry even though we pretty much just had brunch a few hours before. So we went to Shake Shack and just WOW! I'm surprised I hadn't tasted it since I've been here. The burger I had their changed my life (that's exaggerating). But it was so good, well better than good it was like riding a horse on a Saturday morning at the beach good (what the?!).
This guy ruined my photo.
You all need to try Shake Shack it is the bomb!
We then walked over the Brooklyn bridge which is probably one of my favorite things to do, because you get cool photos and get to yell at people when they are walking on the bike lane and they are about to get hit. My friend and I started yelling 'move that person' or if there was a stroller 'move that stroller' and 'this is not a stroller lane people' (ohh it was cray cray)!
Brooklyn bridge, you say 'where did the colour go?' I say 'I put a filter on it cause I'm upper'.
Upper=awesome, way to cool.
And that's the end of our Brooklyn experience. Definately going to hangout in Brooklyn more because it's so hipster and a great place to chill, love it!
Peace out homies ✌️
Krystal xo
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